Ark: Survival Evolved (2017) Game Icons and Banners

Ark: Survival Evolved, released in 2017, is a game that has captivated millions with its immersive world, dynamic gameplay, and intricate graphics. One of the most distinctive aspects of the game is its use of game icons and banners, which not only enhance the visual appeal but also play a crucial role in gameplay mechanics. This article delves into the intricacies of these elements, exploring their design, utility, and significance within the game.

Understanding Game Icons

Game icons in Ark: Survival Evolved serve as visual cues that guide players through various tasks and challenges. These icons are meticulously designed to ensure clarity and functionality, making them an integral part of the user interface.

Types of Game Icons

1. Inventory Icons:

Resources: Icons for items like wood, stone, and metal are designed to be easily distinguishable, aiding in quick inventory management.

Weapons and Tools: These icons often have a distinct shape and color scheme to help players differentiate between different types of weapons and tools easily.

2. Status Icons:

Health Indicators: Represent the player’s health status, using universally recognized symbols like hearts or basic health bars.

Buffs and Debuffs: Icons indicating positive or negative status effects, such as increased damage or poisoning, are crucial for real-time gameplay strategy.

3. Navigation and Objectives:

Map Icons: Detailed icons are used on the in-game map to mark locations, resources, and objectives, providing players with essential navigational aids.

Quest and Mission Indicators: These icons direct players toward objectives, ensuring a smooth progression through missions and quests.

Design Principles

The design of game icons adheres to principles of simplicity, clarity, and consistency. Icons are crafted to be recognizable at a glance, reducing cognitive load and allowing for quick decision-making during gameplay. Consistency in style and color coding across different types of icons helps in creating a cohesive visual language.

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Exploring Banners in Ark: Survival Evolved

Banners contribute to both the aesthetic and functional aspects of Ark: Survival Evolved. They are customizable and can be used for personalizing bases, marking territories, and conveying messages within the game.

Customization Options

Color and Design:

Players can choose from a wide range of colors and pre-designed motifs, or create their own unique designs using in-game tools. This customization allows players to create banners that represent their tribe’s identity or personal preferences.

Placement and Utility:

Banners can be placed strategically around bases to signify ownership, act as waypoints, or even serve as decorative elements. They can also be used during tribe events or wars to rally members and mark strategic zones.

Significance in Gameplay

Banners are not just decorative; they play a critical role in the dynamics of the game:

Territory Marking:

In multiplayer mode, banners help in marking and claiming territories, providing a clear visual representation of controlled areas.


They can convey messages or warnings to other players, particularly useful in large tribes where internal communication is key.

The Impact on User Experience

The thoughtful integration of game icons and banners significantly enhances the user experience. They provide essential information in an intuitive manner, reducing the need for players to constantly refer to menus or guides. This seamless interaction helps maintain immersion and focus, which is crucial in a survival game like Ark: Survival Evolved.

Case Studies

Effective Use of Banners:

In one instance, a large gaming tribe utilized customized banners to streamline their operations during a massive in-game event. The banners were used to designate different roles and rally points, which drastically improved coordination and communication among tribe members.

Icon Clarity and Gameplay Efficiency:

Players have noted that the clarity of inventory icons greatly enhances their ability to manage resources quickly. This efficiency is particularly valuable in high-stakes scenarios where quick access to the right tools and resources can mean the difference between survival and failure.

Optimizing Icons and Banners for Future Updates

While Ark: Survival Evolved already boasts a robust system of icons and banners, there is always room for improvement. Future updates could focus on:

Enhanced Customization Tools:

Providing more sophisticated tools for creating and editing banners could further enrich player creativity and engagement.

Dynamic Icons:

Introducing icons that change based on context or player status could provide more immediate and relevant feedback, enhancing real-time decision-making.


Icons and banners in Ark: Survival Evolved are far more than mere decorative elements; they are critical components that enhance both gameplay and user experience. Game icons simplify navigation and resource management while providing immediate and essential feedback through clear and consistent design. Banners, on the other hand, offer a means of personal expression, territorial marking, and strategic communication.

Kevin Plybon

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